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COMING SOON - A message from our farmer, Pasilio

for 1st  time kava drinkers

To begin to enjoy kava, here are a few simple guidelines to help you get the most out of your experience. Over time you will learn how you like your kava mix and you will adapt the servings to your own taste.**This  guidance is not written in stone: it is just a suggested starting point for you to see if you may like your kava stronger or is totally up to you.** What follows are just some basic introductory ideas.

It is best to enjoy a kava session a decent amount of time after a meal. Everyone is different, but the best idea is to avoid drinking kava on a full stomach. It is not good to plan your kava session directly following a meal. For every 250ml of fresh water you will use, allow 5 grams (about one tablespoon) of Qamea Kava. That means for a nice moderate session (for 2 people) you will mix about 23 grams of kava with 1.2 litres of water. ( HEY, THAT JUST HAPPENS TO BE THE SIZE OF OUR CUTE LITTLE SAMPLE PACK....see the SHOP )This will give you about 10 small cups - 120ml (low tide) - to share with a friend over a good amount of time and conversation and song and stories and laughs and relaxation. We at Qamea Kava promote moderation in kava use, especially when you are starting out on your kava journey, and learning how kava affects you. Four to Five small cups - bilos - (120ml cups) is enough to begin with. YOU will be the best judge of how you feel and then adjust your mixture, and number of cups, to suit yourself. Again we, at Qamea Kava, promote the traditional method of preparation using the tanoa, kava strainer bags and coconut shell bilos (cups). This, however, is not so easy outside of Fiji and the village environment. So here is some simple guidance to get that wonderful taste of Fiji where ever you are in the world. Use a large vessel, say a large bucket or pot or jug. Large enough to EASILY handle the volume of water you will be using. This is to allow for the mixing process. Fill the vessel with the desired amount of water you will be using, and then add Qamea Kava at the rate of 5g (one tablespoon) per 250ml of water. Stir this mixture thoroughly. Ensure all the powder is dispersed completely through the water. Allow it to steep for at least 10 minutes, to allow all the goodness held in the kava to be released into the liquid. Stir occasionally to thoroughly mix the powder, don't let it settle to the bottom for too long, you want that goodness all through the drink. The liquid will now be a darker brownish colour and may have a slightly oily/silky feel to it. Now strain the liquid through a fine cloth or very fine kitchen strainer. For best results use a commercially produced kava strainer, available on-line through various kava vendors, or use a fine nylon cloth - 70-90 microns. (similar to the level of filtration offered by a commercial tea bag) Anything is okay as long as it removes most of the sediment from the drink. (use the sediment on your garden, it's great organic matter to add to your plot) Decant into your - 120ml - serving cup (bilo if you have one) clap and say "bula" (good life) before accepting the cup then drink the contents down in ONE GO.......NO SIPPING. When finished clap again then return the cup. You may like to have something sweet after each cup of kava. Fruit juice (something tropical maybe, some fresh cut oranges are nice too) is a nice addition to the kava session. We do NOT recommend drinking alcohol while enjoying a kava session......the 2 should not mix. Take time between each serving. We recommend at least 10 mins. Don't rush, take your time. Now is the real essence of the kava session........between the, sing, laugh, engage, de-stress, connect and chillax. Repeat for 4-5 servings depending on how you feel. You should feel happy, relaxed, maybe sleepy and content. A good night sleep with pleasant dreaming should ensue. You will awaken bright and alert the next morning. Remember MODERATION. Please try it and enjoy your journey. VINA'A VA'A LEVU


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